This document includes approved errata, as described in OSLC Change Management Version 3.0. Part 1: Specification, Appendix C. Errata.

This specification defines vocabulary terms for the Change Management domain.


This specification defines vocabulary terms for common Change Management resources. The intent is to define resources needed to support common integration scenarios and not to provide a comprehensive definition of a Change Request. The resource formats may not match exactly the native models supported by change management service providers, but are intended to be compatible with them. The approach to supporting these scenarios is to delegate operations, as driven by service provider contributed user interfaces, as much as possible and not require a service provider to expose its complete data model and application logic.

See OSLC Change Management Version 3.0. Part 5: Machine Readable Constraints for the standard OSLC constraints defined on this vocabulary.

OSLC Change Management 3.0 Overview


Terminology is based on OSLC Core Overview [[!OSLCCore3]], W3C Linked Data Platform [[!LDP]], W3C's Architecture of the World Wide Web [[WEBARCH]], Hyper-text Transfer Protocol [[!HTTP11]].


In addition to the namespace URIs and namespace prefixes oslc, rdf, dcterms and foaf defined in the OSLC Core specification, OSLC CM defines the namespace URI of with a namespace prefix of oslc_cm

This specification also uses these namespace prefix definitions:

Change Management Vocabulary Terms

This specification defines the ChangeRequest superclass, and a number of specific, commonly occurring subclasses, properties and values. Servers may define additional ChangeRequest subclasses and provide additional properties as needed.

Standard Enumeration Values

The Change Management specification defines a number of standard enumeration values for ChangeRequest state, priority and severity. Servers are not limited to these values, they are only provided to establish a common set of values that facilitate interoperability.

Providers MAY have custom state, priority and severity values.

Providers SHOULD use skos:narrower when custom state, priority or severity values refine standard values to help clients understand the meaning of custom values.

Providers SHOULD NOT use owl:sameAs when custom state, priority or severity values refine standard values.

Priority and severity example:

@prefix ex: <> .
@prefix oslc: <> .
@prefix oslc_cm: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix skos: <> .

   a oslc_cm:Defect ;
   dcterms:identifier "00002314" ;
   oslc:shortTitle "Bug 2314" ;
   dcterms:title "Invalid installation instructions" ;
   oslc_cm:priority oslc_cm:High ;
   oslc_cm:severity <> .

   a oslc_cm:Severity;
   rdfs:label "Severe - HOT" ;
   skos:narrower oslc_cm:Critical ;
   ex:icon <>.

Resource: State

Defines a set of standard values for property oslc_cm:status.

Range Description
oslc_cm:Closed Completely done, no further fixes or fix verification is needed.
oslc_cm:Inprogress Active work is occurring.
oslc_cm:Fixed The issue is resolved or fixed but the resolution or fix has not yet been verified.
oslc_cm:Approved The resolution or fix is approved and can be delivered.
oslc_cm:Reviewed The resolution or fix has been reviewed.
oslc_cm:Verified The resolution or the fix is verified.

Resource: Priority

Range Description
oslc_cm:High Highest priority, action on the change request highly recommended.
oslc_cm:Medium Acting on the change request can wait, but not forever.
oslc_cm:Low Action on the change request can be safely deferred.
oslc_cm:PriorityUnassigned The priority of the change request is intentionally not set.

Resource: Severity

NEEDS UPDATE: Improve descriptions.

Range Description
oslc_cm:Blocker Severe problem. No workaround. Blocks development, test, or usage.
oslc_cm:Critical Severe problem. No workaround.
oslc_cm:Major Prevents function from being used. There is a workaround.
oslc_cm:Normal Affects non-critical functionality. There is a workaround.
oslc_cm:Minor Minimal impact.
oslc_cm:SeverityUnassigned Intentionally set blank.


Change Management servers MUST use the vocabulary terms defined here where required, and with the meanings defined here.

Change Management servers MAY augment this vocabulary with additional classes, properties, and individuals.