This document includes approved errata, as described in OSLC Change Management Version 3.0. Part 1: Specification, Appendix C. Errata.

OSLC Change Management Version 3.0. Part 2: Vocabulary defines the OSLC Change Management RDF vocabulary terms and resources. This document specifies the standard constraints on those vocabulary terms using OSLC ResourceShapes.


RDF vocabularies define the terms and resources for a domain of interest, life-cycle management in the case of OSLC Change Management. These vocabularies are often specified in an open manner, without providing information such as property domain and range assertions, cardinalities, etc. This helps keep the vocabulary applicable for a wide range of uses and furthering integration with other vocabularies.

However, it is often desirable to closed down a vocabulary with specific constraints to facilitate using the vocabulary for a specific purpose. This document specifies the constraints for using the OSLC Change Management vocabulary in OSLC. Different sets of constraints may be applied to a vocabulary in order to tailor its use, without overly constraining the vocabulary for other usages.

These constraints apply to the core vocabulary defined in OSLC Change Management Version 3.0. Part 2: Vocabulary.

OSLC Change Management 3.0 Overview


Terminology is based on OSLC Core Overview [[!OSLCCore3]], W3C Linked Data Platform [[!LDP]], W3C's Architecture of the World Wide Web [[WEBARCH]], Hyper-text Transfer Protocol [[!HTTP11]].


In addition to the namespace URIs and namespace prefixes oslc, rdf, dcterms and foaf defined in the OSLC Core specification, OSLC CM defines the namespace URI of with a namespace prefix of oslc_cm

This specification also uses these namespace prefix definitions:

Change Management Resource Constraints

Property value types that are not defined in the following sections, are defined in OSLC Core - Defining OSLC Properties

Naming convention for relationship properties follows this pattern:

Resource: ChangeRequest

The Change Request resource properties are not limited to the ones defined in this specification, service providers may provide additional properties. It is recommended that any additional properties exist in their own unique namespace and not use the namespaces defined in these specifications.

Resource: ChangeNotice

Resource: Defect

A software or product defect. Used by Quality Management tools to report defects in testing.

Resource: Enhancement

Resource: ReviewTask

Resource: Task


Change Management servers MUST follow the constraints defined here where required, and with the meanings defined here.

Change Management servers MAY provide additional constraints for specific purposes.